Home > Struttura > English > special tags > normal parser > factinclude > factlist > Factinclude Factlist
A newer version of this fact exists. (view)

Factinclude Factlist
<factinclude factlist/>


factinclude factlist can take the following parameters:


(1) Possible display and layout options:

  • display="icon,title,publisher,infoid,date"


    With this parameter you can define which columns of the search results will be displayed in the fact. Icon, title, publisher, infoid, date are the possibilities you can use.


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    Attention: if you want this parameter to work correctly, you schould NOT use blank spaces between the quotational marks and the commas.

  • cuttitleatlength="20"


    With this parameter you can set the length of the titles of the facts.


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    Attention: The value between the quotation marks must be equal or bigger than 10. The measure is in characters.

  • titlewidth="no"


    The parameter sets the width of the title field in pixels. Enter "no", if you don't want the title to be cut using CSS  overflow. The default value is 200 pixels.

  • titlestyle="text-decoration: none;"


    Between the quotation marks you can use css codes to define the style of the titles. The style will be attached to the <a> link of the title link. This won't change the general view of the fact's title, this will add a style only to the title in the fact, where the folder or the fact is included.


    For example:

    "text-decoration: none;" can be replaced with "color:#cc0000; font-style:italic;" etc.

  • titleclass="myclass"


    The parameter sets the class name of a class defined by you in your custom CSS .

  • includeall="1" or includeall="0"


    This is a special mode of a factinclude for a folder or factlist. If you set the value 1 to the "includeall", only the facts inside the folder(s) will be included one after another. If there are one or more sub-folders in the folder, you should define the level.


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    Note: If you use the parameter "includeall", all facts will be displayed with their titles, but they won't be links. In order to change that, you should use "titlelink" in addition.

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    Important: You can use all options that are available for the includes of facts. For instance you can use the full functionality of the display option in order to have a full list of all facts in the folder(s) with all contained therein information.



    (2) Optiopns for filtering the list of facts:



    For example:





    • keyword="word1, word2"


      In this parameter you can define by which words the search will be performed.

    • doctype="value"


      System document type name.

      Possible valies:

      • factdoc
      • factfsfile
      • discussionentry

    • filterbyfolder="452701"

      With this parameter you can filter by a specific folder with infoID "452701.1".


      Please, note: Use only the id of a folder - only the first part of the ID, without dot and version.


    • tagselectsearch="value1, value2, value3, ..."


      This parameter allows you to set standard tag title search. The listed values are names of tags.


      For example:

      tagselectsearch="Cats, Dogs, Animals with a tail"

      Searches for three tags and filters by them facts that have the specified tags.

    • searchin="value"


      Sets in which  fields the specified words will be searched.

      Possible values:

      • allfields
      • titlefield 
      • authorfield

    • fromdate="2010-01-01"


      With this parameter you can set to search facts that were published from the specified date till now.


      Please, note: The date format is ''yyyy-mm-dd".

    • todate="2010-02-01"


      With this parameter you can set what is the max date of publishing of the searched facts.


      Please, note: The date format is ''yyyy-mm-dd".

    • pubonly="value"  


      With this parameter you can set which type of facts should be displayed according to the publishing state.

      Possible values:

      • pubonly - published facts only
      • unpubonly  - unpublished facts only
      • hidden - hidden facts

    • my_facts="userID"


      Displays only facts created by the user with the specified id number.

    • order="value" 


      The order how the list of facts will be displayed. Possible values are all sorting headers available in the Factlist and Search:

      • published
      • publisher
      • title
      • infoid 


      Please note:   The order depends on the doctype specification.

    • sort="desc" or sort="asc"


      Possible values are "asc" for ascendigly and "desc" for descendingly ordered results. Please, use lowercase for that values.

    • limit="10"


      With this parameter you can define how many search results to be displayed.


    • offset="0"


      You can define the offset between the displayed results.

    • langid="0" 


      Filters the search results by the language defined in the meta information of the fact.

      Possible values:

      • "0" - English
      • "1" - German




Autore: Milena Staykova; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov (factline3)
Info: 1478545.4 (...storia); Pubblicato il 11 Jun. 2010 12:34
Struttura  >  English  >  special tags  >  normal parser  >  factinclude  >  factlist