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bg - 281592.1

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General description of the lists

After implementing the feature "Multiple list actions" the LIST of facts on an FCS platform consists of the following components:

 2. Sorting headers - for each column in the list a link that contains the title of the column can be available for each column. This sorting header links can be disabled by the padmin
3. Action checkbox - a checkbox for each row in the list, by which the actions in the list are possible
4. If the list is in structure service, move controls are available
5. Action controls - enabled or disabled - depending on the selected checkboxes

disabled action controls

enabled action controls



1. Main part - a freely customizable set of columns that gives information for the facts in the list. These columns are configured in padmin.



Author: ivo marinoff; Published by: Anna Lazarova (anna1234)
factID: 254161.5 (...history); published on 14 Jän. 2010 11:10