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Create folders
The service "Structure" helps you to maintain an overview of the content on your platform. It allows you to create a hierarchical tree structure made up of folders and shortcuts.

For a better understanding of the relation between structure and services, read through chapter "Design of the System".

In order to create a folder, proceed as follows:

In "Structure" navigate to the position where you want to create a new folder.

(2) Click on "add a folder" in the options area (left column).

users - box bearbeiten [en] - 210523.6

(3) Insert a title and a shortname. The shortname will be displayed in the pathline.

users - ordner anlegen [en] - 217480.6

(4) Choose one of two list layouts:

standard list
simple list with icon, title, metadata
(e.g. author, publication date, infoID,...)
users - epoz bild einfügen - 202283.2
thumbnail list
list with additional image preview for pictures and albums
users - epoz bild einfügen - 202283.2

If you do not see the drop-down menu, the standard layout will be used. Contact your platform administrator to activate this feature.

(5) Moreover, you can add a description for the folder if you want to. Descriptions are displayed above and/or below the list of content items as soon as you open the folder.


(6) If you click in the checkbox "Enable previous/next", links to the previous and next fact within the folder will be displayed at the bottom of each fact.

Click on "next >>".

(8) Set permissions:

You will see an overview of all groups. There you can set the permissions. Usually your Platform administrator ("p-admin") has already provided you with a preselection which you can accept or adapt.

berechtigungen lesen.png - 170951.3readRead-permitted groups can only see the folder, but they cannot edit, hide or delete it.
berechtigungen anlegen.png - 170948.3
Work-permitted groups can add facts to the folder. However, they cannot modify the folder itself (i.e. change the folder title, edit the folder description).
berechtigungen bearbeiten.png - 170950.3modifyModify-permitted groups can see the folder, change its title and description and delete it.

(9) Click on "preview".

If you are satisfied with the preview, click on "publish".

allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 continue with: Create shortcuts

allgemein - pfeil links - 236705.2 return to: Permissions

allgemein - inhaltsverzeichnis - 238405.1 table of contents

Autore: Angela Gamsriegler; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Pubblicato da: Angela Gamsriegler (gamsrieglera)
Info: 210525.7 (...storia); Pubblicato il 29 Sep. 2006 15:08
Struttura  >  English  >  Manuals  >  User Maunal  >  Create Content 
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