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Week 9 May 19th to 25th

Week 9 May 19th to 25th


Monday, May 19th 


        Started:  1:15 PM

        Ended:  4:45 PM


Tuesday, May 20th


         Started: 9:00 AM

         Ended: 12:30 PM


Wednesday, May 21st









 This week Max is out of the office as he is at meetings until Friday.  I still have the task of going through the fcs.kundenplattform and making sure that everything that needs to be linked is linked.  It is very tedious work as the plattform is huge and it gets hard to stay focused after a while.  I have already worked on this once and linked about all I could, so now I am just double checking my work and making sure that I didn't miss anything.  Again it is very tedious work but it has to be done.  


When I would take breaks from working with the kunden plattform I would talk to Franz.  We would talk about everything from economics to his life to his experiences to mine.  We started off by talking about soccer actually and it was fun to talk with someone else who is passionate about soccer.  Franz then told me about his experiences when traveling to India and also when he drove a bus for a Indian band around Europe for two months.  We then talked about Russia and how Russia is seen in the US as compared to how it actually is.  I always have seen Russia as this poor dirty country whose economy and government is falling apart.  This was true but not as much now adays.  Frany told me how because of the natural resources in the country they are in fact quite rich but don't always show it.  I also learned that from Frany's experiences with people from Russia that they are in fact quite humble and gracious people. 


You can really learn a lot about someone just by showing the least ammount of interest, I learned more from just talking to Franz then I could have in some class. 

Author: Benjamin Heithoff; Published by: Benjamin Heithoff (heithoffb1)
factID: 1193727.2 (...history); published on 20 May. 2008 12:14
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