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Current Servers backup procedure

For factline Platforms in the ASP (Application Sevice Proider) Model. The factline Community Server [FCS] (basis for the factline platform) is hosted on a Server of Hetzner in Germany. 

Local backup

(Backup on the Server at Hetzner in Germany)

Every night the database and files are backed up locally. The database is backed up for 7 days back, e.g. it can be restored to it's state from 7 days ago. Hardware wise there are two drives in a RAID 1 configuration, if one of them fails it can be replaced without long downtime and without data loss.

Remote backup

(Backup on a Local Server in the factline office in Vienna)

Every night the latest backup is synchronised with a remote machine supported by factline. So in case of the very unlikely event of both drives malfunctioning at the same time, system can be restored to the state from the previous night.

Author: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline Webservices GmbH (factline)
factID: 1136167.2 (...history); published on 20 Nov. 2007 10:49
Structure  >  English  >  hosting_asp 
Structure  >  datensicherheit