Home > Structure > English > special tags > normal parser > factinclude > folders > display




With this parameter you can define which collumns of the folder will be displayed in the fact. Icon, title and infoid are all the three possibilities you can use.



info3 - 125057.2

Attention: if you want this parameter to work correctly, you schould NOT use blank spaces between the quotational marks and the commas.

Author: Milena Staykova; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline Webservices (factline5)
factID: 1107323.7 (...history); published on 18 May. 2010 15:42
Structure  >  English  >  special tags  >  normal parser  >  factinclude  >  folders 
Referers (1):
factinclude for folders01 Nov. 2011factinclude